When it comes to dental care, few people are overly enthused at the idea of attending a check-up.
This can range from simply not liking to get into the dental chair, to serious and often crippling phobias for others. But even if you do suffer from dental anxiety, you should still try to attend check-ups regularly.

At Cheam Village Dental Studios, our dentist in Cheam knows all too well that with dentistry, prevention is better than cure and would be happy to see you for a routine dental check-up to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Still trying to think of reasons to skip that upcoming check-up? Here, our dentist in Cheam explores why you should book a dental check-up today!
Better confidence
When you have good dental health, it will show in your smile. Literally!
Attending a check-up with our dentist in Cheam will allow our team to regularly remove plaque, apply sealants if needed and give your teeth an in-depth clean. This will lead to a whiter smile that you won’t be able to stop showing off! Great!
Improved dental health
It goes without saying that when it comes to dental care, prevention is better than cure.
And when you attend dental check-ups regularly, you will be surprised at the number of issues that a short appointment can prevent.
For instance, if our team sees evidence of enamel thinning due to acid exposure, we can apply a fluoride sealant to the area. Why does this matter? Because weakened enamel is the first step towards tooth decay and by preventing this before a cavity forms, you won’t need to have a filling fitted.
Improved physical health
There is a mountain of research that points to a link between better oral health and better physical health. In short, your teeth and your smile are good indicators of how your overall health is coping.
If you attend regular dental appointments, then plaque is being removed from your teeth and cannot lead to secondary inflammatory issues throughout the body. Not only that, but plaque on the teeth has been linked to other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, so it's well worth booking that dental appointment!
Oral cancer
When you come to our surgery to have a check-up, we will assess the soft tissues in your mouth for signs of oral cancer.
And as oral cancer is one of the easiest cancers to treat when detected early, attending a dental check-up can save your life.
If you have concerns that you have oral cancer (due to lumps, bumps, ulcers, bleeding or discomfort in your mouth) then please do not hesitate to call our team for a check-up.
Of course, when you come to our surgery for a basic check-up and all of your teeth and gums are given the green light, you can discuss cosmetic options with our team.
At our practice, we can offer you a myriad of cosmetic dental treatments such as veneers, dental whitening, dental implants and even adult orthodontics. So, if there is an area of your smile that you are unhappy with, we can seek to correct it. Perfect!